Life After Sports

“Navigating Life After Sports: Overcoming the End of an Athletic Career”

The world of professional sports is a realm where physical prowess, dedication, and passion converge, offering athletes a stage to showcase their abilities and fulfill lifelong dreams. However, for many, the road can take unexpected turns, leading to the abrupt end of their careers due to severe injuries or other circumstances. The transition out of this intense and all-encompassing lifestyle can be daunting, leaving athletes feeling adrift and uncertain about the future. But with the right support system and mindset, navigating this new chapter can be empowering and fulfilling. In this article, we explore the impact of retirement on professional athletes, how to be supported

Sportspeople can face a retirement identity crisis. In a 2020 study sponsored by the IOC that aimed to understand how athletes should be supported before, during, and after athletic retirement, it was found that 75% of participants expressed that retirement had or will probably have a negative impact on their psychological health and mental health.

Perceived facilitators reported by retiring athletes:

  • Creating and using a(n) (international, sport-minded) professional network

  • Transferable characteristics (e.g., perseverance, discipline, maturity)

  • Maintain an active and healthy lifestyle

  • Start and/or run a family

  • Be open and honest with the sporting entourage

  • Sharing experiences

  • Explore and research existing literature or other information

  • Having clear future goals in mind

  • Good reactions from athletes’ environment on their decision to retire from elite sport

Reported challenges:

  • Psychological, physical, and social adaptation

  • Crisis-transition

  • A lack of interests outside the sport

  • Lack of transition period

  • Stigma of asking for help

Needed support services:

  • Intensive individualized and accessible transition support

  • A (compulsory) exit trajectory for athletes upon retiring

  • Sharing of experiences between athletes

  • Physical support to finish sport at the highest level in a responsible manner

  • Continued financial support

Based on the reported facilitators, challenges, and support needed, the study concluded that the retirement period should be treated as a part of an athlete’s career. Intensive guidance and support should be given to encourage personal and holistic development.

Embracing a Support System

The first step in overcoming the end of a professional sports career is recognizing the importance of a robust support network. Whether your skills lie in team sport or individual sport, there is a huge sense of family and support throughout your day-to-day life as an athlete. Athletes often have a team of coaches, trainers, and teammates during their careers, providing not only guidance in sports but also emotional support. Retirement takes away that pillar that athletes so often lean on. Without sports, retired athletes can feel lost and alone. Through this transition, it’s key to focus on yourself as a whole, and through that self-discovery you will find a new pillar to lean on. Transitioning away from this environment necessitates building a new support system, which can include family, friends, mentors, mental health professionals and support groups with other retired athletes.

Processing Emotions

Feeling devastated and lost is a natural response to the sudden end of a career that defined much of an athlete’s life. It’s crucial to allow oneself to grieve this loss while also acknowledging that it’s an opportunity for personal growth. Engaging in activities like journaling, therapy, or meditation can aid in processing emotions and gaining clarity about the next steps.

Discovering a New Dream

Finding a new purpose beyond sports is a significant challenge, but it’s also a chance for reinvention. Exploring different interests, hobbies, or career paths can help athletes identify new passions. Many successful athletes have transitioned into coaching, sports broadcasting, entrepreneurship, or philanthropy, leveraging their skills and experiences in new and meaningful ways.

Establishing a Balanced Lifestyle

During their careers, athletes often prioritize physical fitness and performance, but transitioning out of sports requires a holistic approach to wellness. Cultivating mental well-being through mindfulness practices, seeking intellectual stimulation through education or learning new skills, and nurturing relationships beyond the sports realm are crucial elements in building a fulfilling post-athletic life.

Financial Planning and Continued Education

Financial stability is another vital aspect to consider. Athletes should seek guidance from financial advisors to manage their wealth and plan for the future. Additionally, pursuing further education or professional certifications can open doors to new career opportunities and provide a sense of purpose beyond the playing field.

Supporting and guiding elite athletes in creating a personal development plan is key. Development of competencies, such as developing transferable skills and learning to network, through individual coaching, workshops, and online tools (e.g., is also important. Also, the support provided to elite athletes after retirement should include help during a targeted job search, creating a resume/CV, and preparing for job interviews.

Community Engagement and Mentorship

Engaging with the community, especially in programs related to sports or youth mentorship, can offer a sense of fulfillment. Sharing experiences and wisdom gained from a professional sports career can positively impact younger athletes and contribute to the broader community.


The end of a professional sports career can be a challenging transition, but with the right support system, mindset, and exploration of new avenues, it can also be a period of personal growth and opportunity. Recognizing that one’s identity extends beyond the field or court is a crucial step towards embracing a fulfilling life after sports. While the journey may seem daunting, it is a chance to redefine success and find new dreams to pursue.

Remember, the resilience and determination that propelled athletes to success in sports can also be harnessed to conquer new challenges and excel in various arenas of life. Embracing change, seeking support, and nurturing personal growth are the cornerstones of a successful transition into life after professional sports.



  2. Voorheis P, Silver M, Consonni J. Adaptation to life after sport for retired athletes: A scoping review of existing reviews and programs. PLoS One. 2023 Sep 21;18(9):e0291683. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291683.


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